Other Wardens are trying to enact good change amongst the order, and it sounds like the old leaders are having none of it.

It seems to me that they're setting up the Weisshaupt Wardens as baddies. Regardless of your decision, you hear rumours that suggest things aren't going great at Weisshaupt, and ultimately the place goes dark. On the other hand, recruited Wardens form their own subsect of the order, eventually cutting ties with Weisshaupt. Banished Wardens head back to their headquarters at Weisshaupt, and rumours of infighting there gradually begin to reach you. Following a big main quest in Inquisition, the player can decide whether to recruit the Wardens or banish them from Ferelden after you save them from some weird demon stuff they managed to get involved in.

What's interesting about potentially seeing the order in Dragon Age 4 is how their story was left off in Inquisition (spoilers!). They're an ancient order that dedicate their lives to fighting darkspawn (the evil creatures that emerge whenever a Blight rolls around), and, despite their efforts to not get involved in Dragon Age's politics, they get involved in Dragon Age's politics very often. It doesn't sound like the biggest deal at first - the Grey Wardens have been in every Dragon Age game so far, after all. "Is this the right amount of pointy and gray?" "I got you!" Dailey responds with the image above. "I'm feeling really gray and pointy right now. "Yo creative director Matthew Goldman tweeted. This time, executive producer Christian Dailey has offered up another new bit of concept art that suggests the Grey Wardens will be making a return. So far, we've had a glimpse of the game's moody setting and a peek at a pretty cool magic archer. Dragon Age 4 is still a ways off yet, but BioWare are continuing to tease tiny bits of info about next instalment of their excellent fantasy series.