The sound effects is also really amazing. Different environmental changes can also be seen as the player proceeds. Environmental graphics are also very awesome. They can express their feelings of feeling happy, sad, worried and many other expressions. Their facial expressions looks very nice. Thay can talk and give effect like some real people. The game has some very interesting animated characteristics. You many also like similar game Limbo download it free from our site. He would be able to go to any room and any building as per his own choice. Player can also choose the track on his own. But its on player mind whether he wants to listen to him or not. The narrator suggest the player where to go and how to proceed. The player would be able to perform any act according to his own choice. A person who works in an office and has the responsibility to overview the computer data of working employees of office. User has its own choice how to move within the game. The Stanley Parable Free Download is developed by Davey Wreden and Galactic Cafe. You can also download The Sims 3 World Adventures Free Download This game is based on players spirit of exploration and freedom of expression.